Rituals OF A Goddess

Life itself can sure be demanding and often times as women we get stuck in our heads all day, evaluating our then and now, constantly trying to measure up on where we should be and what we want to become. We forget the essence of slowing down and having a quiet moment to ourselves, to take a deep breath to just be still.

How you think is how you feel, if your daily thoughts along with your habits are not properly aligned, you will be caught up in a never ending cycle, trying to make sense of who you are. We are in a time where we are constantly exposed to the ideas of what a woman should be, the pressures from media overly exaggerating how to be the quintessential woman and a false narrative on what success looks like. We all want to be seen, heard and valued for each of our beautiful differences but ask yourself, at what cost?

I’m just going to be as blunt as possible and let you know that everything you need to be happy lies right within you. Ladies it’s that simple, make it a ritual to do something that brings you tremendous joy each day, here is a list of rituals that a Goddess should never skip on.


I love listening to Meditation podcasts and I make it a habit morning and night. While I am getting my day started i take time to appreciate the fresh air, I feel more focused and I value the beauty of self–awereness. Meditation helps to reduce anxiety, negative emotions and aids in balancing life and stress , so you are more focused to concentrate on the things that should matter most to bringing you an enriched life.

Clean your Home

The key to having a clear mind is to declutter your home. That means the chair in the corner of your bedroom stacked with a pile of clothes, has got to go! When your home is clean and tidy, you’ll find it is much easier to move through your day with ease. You don’t have to be a neat freak, but being in a clean space can relax your mind and give you a clear view on the things you want to accomplish.

Image credit @kaylaseah

Healthy Eating/ Exercising

I have always been active, whether it is that I am working out at home or going out for a early morning run. I will not tell you that working out everyday is for you, because surely not everyone has the time to even exercise five days a week. I love feeling strong and noticing the changes in my body aesthetically, helps me to set goals and keeps me motivated. Make a habit to eat a healthy balanced meal and workout at least 2-3 times a week to help your brain and body stay strong.


The most attractive thing is a woman who is knowledgeable. Reading a book is truly uplifting to a persons growth and development, there are so many good books with valuable information to attain. In my quiet time, i truly enjoy the peace and stillness of just sitting in a corner and benefiting the knowledge from books such as ; history books, psychology or entertained by a romance novel. The options to choose from are endless.

Image credit@remonia


Sometimes taking a online break , can truly give you the mental relaxation you didn’t even know you needed. If you are a content creator like myself or you just enjoy the benefits of being online, unplugging from social media will be very useful. In order to give the best of yourself it is important, to take the time to change your mindset, set new goals and let ideas just flow. The moment your mind is clear you are able to discover a new side of yourself or something new that you might be interested in sharing with the world.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. recently I also listen to podcasts of my idols. They are not meditative but rather humorous and it is a way of relaxing, disconnecting that makes you smile by force. I often laugh alone in the room.
    For me, meditation is disconnecting and relaxing, listening to what you like: being in harmony in body and soul and reviewing certain thoughts.


    1. nastasjialee says:

      Thank you for reading my post, I love your perspective on meditation as well. Thank you for a new podcast recommendation .

      Liked by 1 person

  2. nastasjialee says:

    That’s great! Early morning meditation is perfect towards starting a productive day.


  3. Gloria Kelly says:

    I started to do meditation, it really relaxes you


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