Difference Between Serums And Oils

Are you curious about the differences between serums and oils, and what they can do for your skin? I think it is fair to say that we all want to have healthy, young looking skin at every age! With different skin types brings varying skin concerns and it can sometimes be a bit confusing to figure out what works best, especially if you haven’t yet perfected a specific skincare routine targeted to what your skin needs. Around our middle 20’s we naturally produce less collagen in our skin, our routine should consist of products with skin loving ingredients to help us slow down the aging process for as long as we can.

What are Serums?

Serums are a lightweight formula, made up of smaller molecules for deeper penetration into the skin. Serums possess distinctive ingredients for the hair, face and body, potent enough to fight acne, improve skin texture and provide anti-aging benefits. Serums are typically water based with moisturizing ingredients such as ; hyaluronic acid, niacinamide.

Importance Of Face Oils

Face oils are thicker in consistency and relatively moisturizing for all skin types. There are botanical oils and essential oils, which have several differences in how they are made and how they feel on the skin, both should be used with proper care.

Face oils are used to nourish and protect the skin, there are non-comedogenic oils that are best to look out for when purchasing facial oils, these are important because they do not clog your pores and cause acne.

Can I Use A Serum & Oil?

Your morning and night-time routine can consist of both, applying each product from the thinnest to the thickest. Layering your skincare the right way will ensure that you get the ingredients your skin needs from your serums and oils, it would be a terrible waste not to achieve the results you desire from products you invested in.

In one of my posts I have listed and recommended some of the best facial oils for each skin type. Here are a list of serums you can incorporate into your routine and will surely be aesthetically pleasing on your bathroom shelves.

2 Comments Add yours

  1. I haven’t used any of these products yet.. but I’m interested. I do both a serum and face oil. But I do change up sometimes just to give skin a break and or reset. I think i just figure it needs that … no one advise. But since you know a lot you can tell me. Great post

    Liked by 1 person

    1. nastasjialee says:

      Thanks so much for reading! I also use both serum and oils, depending on your skin type and needs, you can choose what works best for you. The most important thing is that your skin is hydrated and protected, thankfully there are a number of options to choose from.


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